The cry of Rubén Blades to Maduro and Venezuela: “Forbidden to forget!”

They banned going to school and going to college.

Prohibited the guarantees and the constitutional purpose.
They banned all sciences except military science.
Prohibiting the right to complain, they forbade asking.
Today I suggest, my brother, pa ‘not to happen again,
Forbidden to forget!

You may have the opportunity to tell your face in a bilateral meeting of heads of state. Rubén Blades has not yet ruled out presiding over Panama, his country of origin, in 2019. If Nicolás Maduro continues in his post passing through the lining the clamor in the streets and with some more corpses on the table, it would be possible that the coincidence of both in their respective positions. But while Blades sings the forty on stage with themes that represent an entire X-ray against the dictatorships, as Forbidden to forget.


They spent 45 minutes of concert in the Botánico de la Complutense in Madrid. The bodies were wagging to the rhythm of their repertoire and with the energy that the 16 members of the Big Band led by Roberto Delgado who accompany him on his Spanish tour, which has performances in Barcelona (day 19), Tenerife ( 21) and Las Palmas (22). Then Blades said: “To Venezuela!” And they sounded like a string of distorted mirrors portraying the vileness of the stanzas of that song.

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